Camp Staff Member Package 2.0

Have you thought about ways to prepare your staff for camp BEFORE they arrive onsite? Are you interested in an affordable solution for integrating camp and youth development experts into your staff training program? 

With ACA’s Camp Staff Member Package, you can provide frontline staff with foundational knowledge in the areas of camp-centered leadership, creating community, reducing injuries and illness, bullying prevention, risk management, and recognizing and reporting child abuse. 

Featuring training from national educators and trainers including Joel Haber, Linda Erceg, Kim Aycock, Susan Fee, and Beth Jensen. This package is a terrific strategy for camps interested in involving “experts” at a fraction of the typical cost. 

This package includes seven online courses providing 7.75 continuing education credits through the American Camp Association

  • A Counselor’s Role in Healthcare Online Course - Ticks, Tears and Toothpaste (Erceg) -.75 CECs
  • Back to the Basics: Creating a Cohesive Staff Community (Kim Aycock) – 1.0 CEC
  • Camp Is for the Camper Online Course (ACA) -2.0 CECs
  • Critical Things Staff Need to Know about Bullying Prevention (Joel Haber)- 1.0 CEC
  • Managing Difficult Camper Behaviors (Susan Fee) -1.0 CEC
  • Quirky Kids: What We Can Do When a Kid Doesn’t “Fit” (Beth Jensen) -1.0 CEC
  • Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (Mary Everhart) – 1.0 CEC

Purchase the Course!

Non-editing teacher: Mercedes Rolandelli, Hannah Williams