Foundations of Cultural Responsiveness for Character Development at Camp

In this theory based recorded webinar we will introduce camp leaders to the foundational concepts of cultural responsiveness and its potential impact on character development. We will explore key principles of cultural responsiveness and examine how these practices support youth development across diverse backgrounds. Through real-world examples, participants will begin developing strategies for implementing culturally responsive practices that promote character growth across cultures.

Learner outcomes:

1. Participants will learn foundational concepts of cultural responsiveness and its importance for character development in camp settings.
2. Participants will identify initial strategies for integrating cultural responsiveness with character-building goals to support positive youth outcomes at camp.

Presenter Bio:

Taylor "Ty" Wycoff M.S. is an applied researcher, evaluator, and educator with 20+ years of professional experience in non-profit community arts, higher education, and youth development fields. She holds a M.S. in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism from the University of Utah and a B.A. in Theatre Arts and International Relations from the University of San Diego. Taylor is currently a doctoral student in Education at the University of California-Irvine where her research centers on culturally responsive practices as a means of promoting access to and inclusion in out-of-school-time learning opportunities for historically marginalized youth. 

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The Pathway to Character Development at Camp

The purpose of this research-based webinar is to dive into character development within the context of participants’ unique camps. Camp leaders will learn to define and prioritize character goals within the elements of hiring, staff training, programming, and evaluation. Participants will be prepared to develop a detailed “map” charting a clear path from their organization’s mission and values to their desired camper outcomes, with a focus on character-based staff practices.

Learner outcomes: 

  1. Participants will learn about approaches to character education and how those approaches apply to their unique camp context.
  2. Participants will identify the character-based values of their organizations and develop a plan for aligning those values with specific staff practices to achieve desired camper outcomes.

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